Rotary Club of Comox Valley
This is not your parents’ Rotary club. We’re putting a new spin on Rotary. Keeping the vision, values and mission and formatting it in a way that is more meaningful to a new demographic of Rotarians. Our members are engaged and committed to the idea that together we can do more good, more often, in a way that fits our schedule.
We are a grass-roots service organization and we continue partnering with innovative community groups to benefit the most vulnerable among us. We love to connect, have fun, and make a tangible difference in our community. We focus on improving the lives of people at risk, families and children, and being responsible stewards of our local environment.
Service Above Self
What is Rotary?
Belonging to a Rotary Club provides one with the opportunity to give back to their community, be that local, regional or international, as well as networking with people who share similar values.
On an international level Rotary is involved in various pursuits. Most notably, Rotary is dedicated to eradicating polio. As a key player, Rotary pairs with the WHO, UNICEF, CDC, etc. to provide a staggering amount of polio vaccinations in the developing world. Rotary is so good at fighting polio that when the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation decided to tackle polio, they simply gave their money to Rotary, rather than building their own apparatus. If you want to donate a dollar fighting polio, it makes the biggest difference when given to Rotary. Rotary also engages in a number of other international projects such as providing medical equipment, building schools, digging wells, and so much more.
Rotary also promotes world peace and understanding by sponsoring exchange programs, being active in the UN, and actively working with universities around the world to offer programs and scholarships in peace, conflict resolution, statesmanship, etc.
On a local level Rotary clubs are free to take up whatever cause they want. Our local clubs build playgrounds and trails, fund scholarships for worthy students, honour outstanding community members, and give money to other charities to support their activities.
The Rotary Club of Comox Valley was formed in 2018. View some of their accomlishments by clicking here.